
linearledyv--LED Wall Washers Factory

It still me when pixel led Manufacturers



It still me when pixel led Manufacturers

It still me when pixel led Manufacturers a light bulb flash turns into anaha moment. ... I had the light bulb flash that grewand grew until it gave me a big smack upside the back of myhead this ...

It still surprises me when a light bulb flash turns into an

aha moment. Yesterday I had the light bulb flash that grew

and grew until it gave me a big smack upside the back of my

head this morning.

Yesterday was like most of my days, yet while writing

yesterday’s article, I stopped mid sentence, and my thoughts

went back to an ezine article I read early that morning. It

was one of those times when your thoughts completely jump to

another circuit -- you know the kind.

Quickly I dashed down the hall and corner with lightening

speed. Not. Just walked. I had always wanted to write

that, I know cute, Catherine. What caught my attention was

the contest announcement in that ezine. I remembered that

Janice (name not changed to protect the innocent) would be

interested in the information since she wrote poetry. I

found it and e-mailed her the info. Cut and dry, huh? I

thought so to, but not quite.

Later that evening during our coaching session, Janice

mentioned how she appreciated the information but she didn't

write poetry for children. Oops, I didn't even see that

important detail. However, she appreciated the thought and

explained that it gave her a flash of another contest she

knew about that she had always wanted to enter. As she was

talking about this, I remembered my childhood try at poetry.

"Now where did I put those" came to mind.

Yes, you guess it; I went looking for my old poems after the

call. Including staying up past midnight reading them again

and chuckling on my mindset at the time. I even wrote quote

a few on President Kennedy’s death -- but that’s another

topic. I chose three, submitted them, and went to bed

pleased with myself about taking some action with them.

Did you know that the difference between a light bulb moment

and an aha moment is the depth of experience in whatever is

occurring. Light bulb is the flash, the aha is when you

make the connections between that and other experiences in

your life.

This morning the aha part of the light bulb moment hit me --

the marketing aspect to all this. In order to give you a

complete picture, let me including the "ad" I found in the

ezine. This is a quote.




No Name Ninja
